Postural Yoga Assessment & Personalized Plan
Get to know your practice on an even deeper level
One-on-One assessment looking at posture, range of motion, muscle strength, and balance. Ending with a personalized plan to address any imbalance found, to reach your specific goals and promote optimal well-being. Review your posture in detail and experiment with various yoga postures, muscle-strength and flexibility tests to explore any movement, discomfort, or postural imbalances.
What each session looks like:
Session 1
Complete Postural Yoga Assessment Intake Form prior to meeting with Torrey
One-on-one sessions taking a detailed review of your posture; looking at balance, range of motion, muscle strength and movement patterns.
Explore any discomfort or postural imbalances found.
Review your specific goals (reason for assessment).
Pain or discomfort
Recovery from an injury
Movement or balance issues
Physical limitations
Session 2
Learn your Personalized Functional Yoga Plan designed to address any imbalances found during the assessment, to help you reach your specific goals and promote optimal well-being. Personalized Functional Yoga Plan may include:
Yoga poses
Functional movements
Somatic exercises
Strengthening exercises
Make any necessary tweaks to plan and answer any questions
Leave with your written plan to practice at your convenience

FREE 15 minute phone consultation to see if Torrey is a good fit for you.
Sessions can be done remotely in the comfort of your home (through Zoom)!
$150 - 2 Sessions (75 minutes each)
Session 1 - Postural Assessment​
Session 2 - Learn your Personalized Plan
Have questions?
Contact Torrey
to book a session or if you have any questions!