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Radiant Resilience Offerings


Trauma Release Yoga / TRE

Trauma Release Yoga / TRE is a gentle and natural process to increase resilience, reduce stress and promote healing of both emotional and physical trauma to bring the body into a state of balance and deep relaxation. It allows the release of chronic tension patterns and the physical charge held in the body from past traumas or injuries as well as the accumulation of everyday tension. Reported benefits include pain relief, better sleep, and a deeper level of relaxation and balance.

Tapping - EFT

Tapping / EFT & Matrix Reimprinting

Are self-sabotage, procrastination, anxiety or traumatic memories getting in the way of living your fullest life?  Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) & Matrix Reimprinting help overcome these and many more obstacles. These tools allow clients to identify the source of limiting beliefs and clear the emotional charge associated with troubling life events and memories.  This is the tool for you if you're feeling stuck, find yourself obsessing about a memory or person, find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again or are unable to achieve your goals.    


Postural Assessment & Personalized Plan 

One-on-One assessment looking at posture, range of motion, muscle strength, and balance. Ending with a personalized plan to address any imbalance found, to reach your specific goals and promote optimal well-being. Review your posture in detail and experiment with various yoga postures, muscle-strength and flexibility tests to explore any movement, discomfort, or postural imbalances.


Yoga & More

All Levels Yoga / Yoga for Healthy Aging

Gentle Chair Yoga

Challenging Chair Yoga

Restorative Yoga

Yoga Sculpt

Ballet Barre

Private Lessons

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